Hillary Clinton vira o jogo e Obama tropeça
Salvador, Bahia
Domingo , 23/03/2008
1º Caderno
Texas, 3 de março. Barack Hussein Obama deixa bruscamente a sala onde presidia uma coletiva de imprensa. Ele acabara de ser bombardeado com perguntas incisivas. “Puxa, eu já respondi, tipo, oito perguntas. Estamos atrasados”, disse, apressadamente, enquanto deixava a sala sob os berros dos repórteres, na primeira briga de seu longo namoro com a mídia americana.
Dois dias depois, Hillary Rodham Clinton, sua adversária, obteve importantes vitórias nos Estados do Texas e de Ohio. Renascia das cinzas mais uma vez para alimentar a fogueira da disputa pela indicação do Partido Democrata à presidência dos Estados Unidos, demorado processo que ganhou a complicação adicional de uma disputa intrapartidária entre os candidatos democratas.
A campanha de Hillary Clinton, senadora pelo Estado de Nova Iorque e casada com o ex-presidente Bill Clinton, mostrou seus músculos. Depois de errar a mão ao utilizar o marido para desacreditar Obama, e diante das primeiras pressões para abandonar a corrida – especialmente após a seqüência de derrotas e de John McCain ter assegurado votos suficientes para disputar a presidência pelo Partido Republicano – Hillary trocou alguns assessores de campanha e partiu para o ataque. Ao mesmo tempo, a mídia americana passou a focar mais nos defeitos de Obama do que no fenômeno da sua rápida ascensão ao centro da política nacional.
PARÓDIA – Um sinal desse olhar mais crítico surgiu no programa de televisão “Saturday Night Live”. Numa paródia da cobertura da CNN de um debate presidencial, os jornalistas bajulavam Obama e cortavam Hillary. Esta, por sua vez, captou a mensagem e passou a reclamar da branda cobertura que seu adversário vinha recebendo. Tom Edsall, ex-repórter do Washington Post e professor de jornalismo da Universidade Columbia, disse ao jornal canadense Globe & Mail que “alguns repórteres se envolveram demais com o entusiasmo ao redor” de Obama.
“O que Obama deve fazer – e o que não é capaz de fazer – é articular uma visão concreta que vá além da retórica inspiradora”, disse em entrevista à rede americana NBC Karl Rove, ex-assessor presidencial conhecido em alguns círculos nos EUA como “ o cérebro de Bush”.
Rove, que comandou as duas campanhas do atual presidente americano George W. Bush, acha que o belo discurso de Obama está ficando anêmico. “Tem muito pouco conteúdo. Está passando de inspirador a insípido”. Para ele, Obama tem duas opções: atacar Hillary ou tentar mostrar que realmente tem planos sólidos para comandar o país.
Salvador, Bahia
Domingo , 23/03/2008
1º Caderno
Delegados do partido vão definir escolha
Embora Hillary tenha ganho estados importantes, Obama conquistou vários estados rurais, o que lhe dá uma vantagem no número de delegados mas não no de "superdelegados" – os cerca de 849 líderes regionais dos democratas com peso maior na escolha do indicado, e que favorecem a Hillary. A próxima etapa são as primárias da Pensilvânia em 22 de abril, com 188 delegados em jogo.
Dois meses depois do início das primárias, e ainda faltando seis meses para a sua conclusão, o Partido Democrata luta para resolver a disputa com os Estados de Michigan e Flórida.
Eles foram expulsos da convenção nacional do partido em agosto porque quiseram realizar as suas primárias antes da "superterça" de 5 de fevereiro, contra determinação do diretório nacional.
Com seus 366 delegados, os dois importantes estados podem ajudar a decidir quem será o candidato democrata à presidência.
A dúvida é como será feita a partilha e se haverá novo voto.
O presidente do partido, Howard Dean, propôs a divisão igualitária dos delegados na Flórida e há um plano de votar novamente em Michigan, mas o processo de negociação para encontrar uma solução tem se arrastado.
Esta semana, os democratas da Flórida recusaram um plano de votar novamente e alguns deles defenderam uma penalização no número de delegados, em troca da participação na convenção (PB).
Salvador, Bahia
Domingo , 23/03/2008
1º Caderno Mídia investiga a vida de Obama
As últimas semanas têm sido difíceis para Barack Hussein Obama, de 46 anos, nascido em Honolulu, Havaí, a 4 de agosto. Apesar das vitórias nas últimas primárias, do Mississippi e Wyoming, e da vantagem no voto popular, ele teve de apagar vários incêndios de campanha e explicar a amizade com um lobbista acusado de corrupção e com um pastor negro radical. Os resultados das pesquisas de bocade-urna no Texas e em Ohio também revelaram um eleitorado claramente dividido em relação a ele, não apenas em termos de raça, mas também em faixa etária e nível educacional.
Foi revelado que um de seus assessores para política internacional disse a diplomatas canadenses que a postura crítica de Obama em relação ao Nafta, acordo de livre comércio com o México e o Canadá, era pura encenação e que ele não pretendia renegociá-lo. A gafe repercutiu muito mal, especialmente em estados como Ohio, que vêm sofrendo com a globalização e a fuga das fábricas para o mundo em desenvolvimento.
“Temos uma cultura política doentia, e é desse ambiente que Barack Obama veio”, disse à rede de TV ABC Jay Stewart, o diretor da Better Goverment Association, ONG de fiscalização do governo criada em Chicago em 1923 para combater a máfia de Al Capone. Outra assessora chamou Hillary de “monstro” em entrevista a um jornal holandês.
PASTOR – As redes americanas de TV exibiram gravações de vídeo de Jeremiah Wright Jr., pastor de Obama, que celebrou seu casamento e batizou suas filhas, acusando o governo americano de corrupção e racismo e sugerindo que o país mereceu os ataques do 11 de Setembro de 2001.
“Deus abençoe a América? Deus amaldiçoe a América!”. As imagens foram amplamente divulgadas e repercutiram negativamente, obrigando o candidato a apagar o incêndio.
Na Filadélfia, num brilhante discurso em que falou pela primeira vez da questão da raça, Obama defendeu a sua posição, distanciando-se das declarações de Wright mas sem criticá-lo. “Eu não posso condená-lo, assim como não posso condenar a comunidade negra”, disse Obama.
“Tanto como não posso condenar a minha avó branca, que muitas vezes demonstrou estereótipos racistas que me deixaram com raiva”, disse.
Mais uma vez, Obama demonstrou retórica brilhante, comparável à do reverendo Martin Luther King, Jr. No entanto, ele também abriu uma nova fase da campanha, ao abandonar o discurso de que a cor da pele não deve ser um fator e reconhecer a face racista dos EUA.
A questão racial ficou mais transparente nesta etapa da campanha, com os resultados das primeiras compilações de dados. O resultado é surpreendente: Obama vence nas zonas rurais e nos estados de maioria negra ou branca, mas perde nas zonas urbanas com maior diversidade racial, onde se concentra a população americana.
De todas as complicações que surgiram nos últimos tempos, a mais cabeluda é o julgamento de Tony Rezko, lobbista de Chicago que angariou fundos para as primeiras campanhas do senador mas agora é acusado de corrupção e fraude.
Em 2005, Obama comprou uma casa de US$ 1,7 milhão em Chicago, no bairro South Side, enquanto a esposa de Rezko, no mesmo dia, comprou por US$ 650 mil um terreno baldio adjacente à casa.
Depois, a família Obama comprou uma parte do terreno baldio por US$ 300 mil. Obama admitiu que visitou a casa junto com Rezko e que o negócio, que pode constituir uma violação das regras de ética do Senado dos EUA, foi “burrice”
Antes o elefante branco na sala, a questão racial ficou mais transparente nesta etapa da campanha, com os resultados das primeiras compilações de dados sobre o voto. O resultado é surpreendente: Obama vence nas zonas rurais e nos estados de maioria negra ou branca, mas perde nas zonas urbanas com maior diversidade racial, onde se concentra a população americana.
Em Ohio, essas diferenças ficaram claras: a maioria dos brancos acima de 40 anos, especialmente as mulheres e as pessoas sem nível superior, votou em Hillary. Obama ganhou o voto maciço dos jovens, dos negros, e dos brancos com nível superior, mas 94% dos eleitores disse que Hillary é a candidata com a experiência certa para o cargo, enquanto só 5% disse isso em relação a Obama. Contudo, 68% acham que ele é o candidato com mais chance de realizar mudanças.
Todos os dados correspondem à pesquisa de 5 de março do Edison/Mitofsky National Election Pool (http://www.exit-poll.net), consórcio criado em 2003 pelas maiores organizações de mídia dos EUA para centralizar a realização de pesquisas de boca de urna(PB).
In Havana, A Page From McCain's Past
Restaurateur Displays Story Of Interview With POW
By Manuel Roig-Franzia
Washington Post Foreign Service
Tuesday, March 11, 2008; C01
HAVANA -- At first glance, the trophy wall in the Cactus on 33rd restaurant seems to follow a standard local formula.
Framed photo of heroically posed rebel. Check.
Rusty rifle. Check.
Signed postcard from Ernesto "Che" Guevara. Check.
But there, among the routine, lies a surprise: a copy of a faded, 38-year-old article from Granma, the Cuban Communist Party newspaper. On the page is a photo of Fernando Barral, a Cuban psychologist turned restaurateur, sitting at a well-appointed coffee table in Hanoi. He is interviewing a square-jawed, sandy-haired U.S. prisoner of war. A prisoner of war named John McCain.
That a nearly four-decade-old photo of a U.S. POW would become a restaurant prop in this seaside capital stands as testament to Havana's time-warp vibe and its enduring anti-U.S. sentiments. More than just a place where vintage American cars rumble and spit smoke, Havana can feel like a city that refuses to let go of the Cold War, where spies and conspiracy theories and intrigue are as much a part of daily life as rum, cigars and the rhythms of son music.
The Granma clipping in Barral's restaurant, dated Jan. 24, 1970, recalls one of the defining periods of McCain's life, his 5 1/2 years as a prisoner of war after his Navy jet was shot down over North Vietnam. The tale of that photo and how an obscure Cuban psychologist came to interview McCain -- now a 71-year-old U.S. senator from Arizona and the presumptive Republican presidential nominee -- rouses the echoes, curiosities and suspicions of another era.
There is no doubt that the two men met in Hanoi in January 1970. Their accounts of the basic outlines of the meeting are almost identical.
McCain briefly mentions his encounter with Barral in his 1999 autobiography, "Faith of My Fathers," calling him "a Cuban propagandist, masquerading as a Spanish psychologist and moonlighting as a journalist." McCain wrote that Barral concluded he was "a psychopath," but Barral said in an interview that he never reached that conclusion. A McCain campaign spokesman did not respond to several interview requests on the subject.
The Spanish-born Barral is now 79 and retains a lispy Madrile¿o accent even though he has lived nearly a half-century in Cuba. Barral said McCain was "boastful" during their interview and "without remorse" for any civilian deaths that occurred "when he bombed Hanoi." McCain has a similar recollection, writing in his book that he responded, "No, I do not" when Barral asked if he felt remorse.
Barral kept his original notes from the interview in a bound Vietnamese notebook with yellow flowers on the cover.
He said he kept the article about the interview tucked away for decades, most recently stashing it in the small living quarters behind the six-table restaurant he runs inside a creaking mansion in the Playa neighborhood, 15 minutes from downtown Havana.
After hearing of McCain's campaign about six months ago, Barral said, he hung the clipping in his restaurant, an archetypal Cuban paladar -- a small, privately owned restaurant sanctioned by the state -- with dining tables in the living room, arched wooden doors, wrought-iron grates and tile floors. Hardly anyone noticed the clipping until a few days ago, he said, when a reporter spotted it among the Che memorabilia.
Barral, who shuffles slightly when he walks and entertains visitors with a gruff sense of humor, said his route to the 1970 encounter with McCain winds through pre-Civil War Spain, Argentina, Hungary and Cuba.
His grandfather was a Spanish anarchist and his father was a socialist killed in the Spanish Civil War. He immigrated to Argentina with his mother when he was 11. There, he said, he befriended the young Guevara, who was the same age.
Barral was later expelled from Argentina because of his communist activism, he said. He fled to Hungary, where he studied medicine. Shortly after Fidel Castro took power in Cuba in 1959, he served as interpreter for a Cuban delegation visiting Hungary.
Barral sent greetings to Guevara and soon accepted the revolutionary icon's offer of a home and job in Cuba -- a copy of the invitation is on Barral's restaurant wall. Barral -- who said he speaks Spanish, French, Hungarian and Italian, and understands English -- said that in those days "Cuba represented this fresh vision, where everything was possible."
In 1967, he won an essay contest with a piece about "The Revolutionary Attitude." He keeps the yellowed telegram announcing his victory in his archives. First prize was a 40-day trip to North Vietnam for what he called "scientific research" about the North Vietnamese and their ability to resist U.S. forces.
"In that time, North Vietnam was the tops in our eyes in Cuba," Barral said. "It was the best example of a country confronting imperialism."
The trip was delayed until 1969, he said. Once in Hanoi, he conducted field research, eventually concluding that U.S. forces were underestimating the North Vietnamese. That's when he had the idea of interviewing a U.S. POW -- to "find out," he said, "how the enemy thinks."
Cuban diplomats in North Vietnam told him to say he was a Spanish psychologist, even though he hadn't lived in Spain since he was 11. At that time he was not a Cuban citizen, though he is now, he said.
The interview lasted between 45 minutes and an hour, Barral recalled. He said the men met at the offices of Hanoi's Committee for Foreign Cultural Relations, while McCain said in his book that the interview took place in a hotel.
McCain was escorted to the interview from the infamous "Hanoi Hilton," a prison where American servicemen were tortured and lived in miserable conditions. Barral said he does not know why his North Vietnamese handlers chose the cultural center as the site for the interview. But the location did not bother Barral because he wasn't interested in the conditions of the prison, merely in finding out what "the enemy" was thinking.
Barral said he conducted a cursory medical examination and found that McCain had difficulty rotating his arms. McCain told him that he had not been subjected to "physical or moral violence," Barral noted at the time.
In his small, precise handwriting, Barral noted that cookies, candies, teacups, oranges and cigarettes were on the table. McCain, who had suffered multiple fractures after ejecting from his plane, walked in leaning on a cane, Barral said.
Quickly dispensing with the pro forma name, rank and serial number, the men talked about McCain's family, his aspirations and the shootdown of his plane, according to Barral's notes. In his book, McCain writes that Barral asked "rather innocuous questions about my life, the schools I had attended and my family."
"He was only interested in talking about himself," Barral recalled. "He had a big ego."
The son and grandson of U.S. Navy admirals, McCain lamented in the interview that "if I hadn't been shot down, I would have become an admiral at a younger age than my father," Barral's notes state. Barral said McCain boasted that he was the best pilot in the Navy and that he wanted to be an astronaut.
"He felt superior to the Vietnamese up there in his plane, with all his training," Barral recalled.
McCain did not ask questions about news from abroad, Barral said, but did ask the psychologist to get a message to his then-wife, Carol McCain, and provided her address in Orange Park, Fla.
"Tell her I'm well," Barral noted McCain saying. "Tell her I wish her all the best and that she shouldn't worry about me."
Though McCain says he did not discuss military matters with Barral, a U.S. commander in the prison later issued an order forbidding U.S. POWs to be interviewed by visitors, McCain wrote in his book. The decision was "a sound one, even though it deprived me of further opportunities to demonstrate 'my psychic equilibrium' to disapproving fraternal socialists, not to mention the extra cigarettes and coffee," McCain wrote.
Barral's interview with the son and grandson of U.S. admirals was considered a huge coup and "newsworthy," according to the 1970 Granma article. The communist party newspaper ran a close-up of McCain's face on its front page.
"I'm not sure if it was for propaganda purposes," Barral said recently of the 1970 interview. "But I accept it if I was an instrument for propaganda."
Barral's life since that flash of celebrity has unspooled like that of many Cubans. He retired with a tiny pension in the mid-1980s and said he barely had enough money to get by until opening his paladar in the mid-1990s.
His family, like those of almost all Cubans, is fractured. One of his sons, Ernesto Barral, became a successful doctor after fleeing the island, making the unsubstantiated claim that he windsurfed to Florida.
Barral said he follows U.S. politics in clippings sent to him from friends and relatives abroad, and has taken a shine to Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) because he "represents change."
"I don't know if McCain would be a good president," Barral said. "And I don't care."
© 2008 The Washington Post Company
By Manuel Roig-Franzia
Washington Post Foreign Service
Tuesday, March 11, 2008; C01
HAVANA -- At first glance, the trophy wall in the Cactus on 33rd restaurant seems to follow a standard local formula.
Framed photo of heroically posed rebel. Check.
Rusty rifle. Check.
Signed postcard from Ernesto "Che" Guevara. Check.
But there, among the routine, lies a surprise: a copy of a faded, 38-year-old article from Granma, the Cuban Communist Party newspaper. On the page is a photo of Fernando Barral, a Cuban psychologist turned restaurateur, sitting at a well-appointed coffee table in Hanoi. He is interviewing a square-jawed, sandy-haired U.S. prisoner of war. A prisoner of war named John McCain.
That a nearly four-decade-old photo of a U.S. POW would become a restaurant prop in this seaside capital stands as testament to Havana's time-warp vibe and its enduring anti-U.S. sentiments. More than just a place where vintage American cars rumble and spit smoke, Havana can feel like a city that refuses to let go of the Cold War, where spies and conspiracy theories and intrigue are as much a part of daily life as rum, cigars and the rhythms of son music.
The Granma clipping in Barral's restaurant, dated Jan. 24, 1970, recalls one of the defining periods of McCain's life, his 5 1/2 years as a prisoner of war after his Navy jet was shot down over North Vietnam. The tale of that photo and how an obscure Cuban psychologist came to interview McCain -- now a 71-year-old U.S. senator from Arizona and the presumptive Republican presidential nominee -- rouses the echoes, curiosities and suspicions of another era.
There is no doubt that the two men met in Hanoi in January 1970. Their accounts of the basic outlines of the meeting are almost identical.
McCain briefly mentions his encounter with Barral in his 1999 autobiography, "Faith of My Fathers," calling him "a Cuban propagandist, masquerading as a Spanish psychologist and moonlighting as a journalist." McCain wrote that Barral concluded he was "a psychopath," but Barral said in an interview that he never reached that conclusion. A McCain campaign spokesman did not respond to several interview requests on the subject.
The Spanish-born Barral is now 79 and retains a lispy Madrile¿o accent even though he has lived nearly a half-century in Cuba. Barral said McCain was "boastful" during their interview and "without remorse" for any civilian deaths that occurred "when he bombed Hanoi." McCain has a similar recollection, writing in his book that he responded, "No, I do not" when Barral asked if he felt remorse.
Barral kept his original notes from the interview in a bound Vietnamese notebook with yellow flowers on the cover.
He said he kept the article about the interview tucked away for decades, most recently stashing it in the small living quarters behind the six-table restaurant he runs inside a creaking mansion in the Playa neighborhood, 15 minutes from downtown Havana.
After hearing of McCain's campaign about six months ago, Barral said, he hung the clipping in his restaurant, an archetypal Cuban paladar -- a small, privately owned restaurant sanctioned by the state -- with dining tables in the living room, arched wooden doors, wrought-iron grates and tile floors. Hardly anyone noticed the clipping until a few days ago, he said, when a reporter spotted it among the Che memorabilia.
Barral, who shuffles slightly when he walks and entertains visitors with a gruff sense of humor, said his route to the 1970 encounter with McCain winds through pre-Civil War Spain, Argentina, Hungary and Cuba.
His grandfather was a Spanish anarchist and his father was a socialist killed in the Spanish Civil War. He immigrated to Argentina with his mother when he was 11. There, he said, he befriended the young Guevara, who was the same age.
Barral was later expelled from Argentina because of his communist activism, he said. He fled to Hungary, where he studied medicine. Shortly after Fidel Castro took power in Cuba in 1959, he served as interpreter for a Cuban delegation visiting Hungary.
Barral sent greetings to Guevara and soon accepted the revolutionary icon's offer of a home and job in Cuba -- a copy of the invitation is on Barral's restaurant wall. Barral -- who said he speaks Spanish, French, Hungarian and Italian, and understands English -- said that in those days "Cuba represented this fresh vision, where everything was possible."
In 1967, he won an essay contest with a piece about "The Revolutionary Attitude." He keeps the yellowed telegram announcing his victory in his archives. First prize was a 40-day trip to North Vietnam for what he called "scientific research" about the North Vietnamese and their ability to resist U.S. forces.
"In that time, North Vietnam was the tops in our eyes in Cuba," Barral said. "It was the best example of a country confronting imperialism."
The trip was delayed until 1969, he said. Once in Hanoi, he conducted field research, eventually concluding that U.S. forces were underestimating the North Vietnamese. That's when he had the idea of interviewing a U.S. POW -- to "find out," he said, "how the enemy thinks."
Cuban diplomats in North Vietnam told him to say he was a Spanish psychologist, even though he hadn't lived in Spain since he was 11. At that time he was not a Cuban citizen, though he is now, he said.
The interview lasted between 45 minutes and an hour, Barral recalled. He said the men met at the offices of Hanoi's Committee for Foreign Cultural Relations, while McCain said in his book that the interview took place in a hotel.
McCain was escorted to the interview from the infamous "Hanoi Hilton," a prison where American servicemen were tortured and lived in miserable conditions. Barral said he does not know why his North Vietnamese handlers chose the cultural center as the site for the interview. But the location did not bother Barral because he wasn't interested in the conditions of the prison, merely in finding out what "the enemy" was thinking.
Barral said he conducted a cursory medical examination and found that McCain had difficulty rotating his arms. McCain told him that he had not been subjected to "physical or moral violence," Barral noted at the time.
In his small, precise handwriting, Barral noted that cookies, candies, teacups, oranges and cigarettes were on the table. McCain, who had suffered multiple fractures after ejecting from his plane, walked in leaning on a cane, Barral said.
Quickly dispensing with the pro forma name, rank and serial number, the men talked about McCain's family, his aspirations and the shootdown of his plane, according to Barral's notes. In his book, McCain writes that Barral asked "rather innocuous questions about my life, the schools I had attended and my family."
"He was only interested in talking about himself," Barral recalled. "He had a big ego."
The son and grandson of U.S. Navy admirals, McCain lamented in the interview that "if I hadn't been shot down, I would have become an admiral at a younger age than my father," Barral's notes state. Barral said McCain boasted that he was the best pilot in the Navy and that he wanted to be an astronaut.
"He felt superior to the Vietnamese up there in his plane, with all his training," Barral recalled.
McCain did not ask questions about news from abroad, Barral said, but did ask the psychologist to get a message to his then-wife, Carol McCain, and provided her address in Orange Park, Fla.
"Tell her I'm well," Barral noted McCain saying. "Tell her I wish her all the best and that she shouldn't worry about me."
Though McCain says he did not discuss military matters with Barral, a U.S. commander in the prison later issued an order forbidding U.S. POWs to be interviewed by visitors, McCain wrote in his book. The decision was "a sound one, even though it deprived me of further opportunities to demonstrate 'my psychic equilibrium' to disapproving fraternal socialists, not to mention the extra cigarettes and coffee," McCain wrote.
Barral's interview with the son and grandson of U.S. admirals was considered a huge coup and "newsworthy," according to the 1970 Granma article. The communist party newspaper ran a close-up of McCain's face on its front page.
"I'm not sure if it was for propaganda purposes," Barral said recently of the 1970 interview. "But I accept it if I was an instrument for propaganda."
Barral's life since that flash of celebrity has unspooled like that of many Cubans. He retired with a tiny pension in the mid-1980s and said he barely had enough money to get by until opening his paladar in the mid-1990s.
His family, like those of almost all Cubans, is fractured. One of his sons, Ernesto Barral, became a successful doctor after fleeing the island, making the unsubstantiated claim that he windsurfed to Florida.
Barral said he follows U.S. politics in clippings sent to him from friends and relatives abroad, and has taken a shine to Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) because he "represents change."
"I don't know if McCain would be a good president," Barral said. "And I don't care."
© 2008 The Washington Post Company